Sunday, August 23, 2009

Planting My First Veggies and Herbs

I finally got to do some planting!

It's been 3 weeks and I have finally planted my first vegetables and herbs. Last week I shared a video with you about planting tomatoes and basil in a pot so I finally got a chance to do it.

Also since last week, I picked up some new plants that my mom gave me and I picked up some wood (and stuff) from a friend.

I went to Armstrong Garden Center here in Long Beach, California to get the plants and supplies and stuff. I found out that they have a frequent buyer program where you get 1 point for every $25 spent, and when you get 25 points you get a $25 gift card. Sweet! I'm sure that'll add up. So far I have 2 points! haha

I purchased:

4 tomato plants (champion/stupice at $2.99 each) $11.96
4 basil plants (sweet italian large leaf at $1.99 each) $7.96
7 flower & vegetable plant mix ($5.99 each) $41.93

Total: $61.85 -ish (not including tax)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eric! Love that you're planting an organic garden! Have you begun a compost pile yet? They are way easy and then not much gets thrown in the garbage. ( citrus rinds....not sure why but 'they' say it doesn't make for good composting).
