Saturday, August 8, 2009

New Tools for the Garden

Okay, so we're taking little steps here. Little itty bitty steps. Haha, well I couldn't exactly do anything in the backyard this past week since I didn't have any tools. So as little as a step towards creating my little backyard paradise it is, buying tools is still a step forward - but a necessary one.

So I went to Home Depot, found my way to the Yard and Gardens department and browsed the row of tools. Hmm . . . I don't exactly know what I'm doing so I just went ahead and got what I *thought* i'd need.

So here's what I got:

Shovel $9.97
Weeder Hoe $15.97
Broom $7.49
Hand shovel $7.97
Hand Trowel $7.97
Gloves $4.46
Water pail $8.99
32 Gallon trash can $17.99
Trash bags $13.96

Total: $94.77 -ish (not including tax)

Okay, so now that I have tools, I'll spend the next week digging up the old dry grass.

Stay tuned!


  1. Here's a tip for you Eric, one that I use quite often myself: use your rewards credit card to rack up points and redeem for home improvement cards. I've done this a few times over and have made some nice strides in transforming my back yard with very little cash outlay. Good luck!

  2. p.s. I'm liking your blog here!

  3. Tip #2 - one of the best ways to get garden tools for little money is to hit up estate sales (get there early and head straight to the backyard/garage), and thrift stores. Estate sales are the best since they generally have a wide variety of tools all in one place.

  4. Those are great tips Maria! Thanks so much!

  5. What an exciting experience!/Hilarious! Delightful! True!/wonderful stuff! thank you!

    Garden Tools
